Saturday, September 06, 2008

Do You REALLY Want to Grow?

John 9:22 His parents said these things because they feared the Jews, for the Jews had already agreed that if anyone should confess Jesus to be Christ, he was to be put out of the synagogue. (ESV)

I sometimes like to paraphrase the popular baseball player Sammie Sosa, and say "the Christian life has been very good to me." For nearly 30 years it really has. But recently I have had to re-evaluate some of my "convictions" that I would stand and maybe even face death.

Consider the blind man in John chapter 9 whom Jesus heals. Here a man who it would seem has never seen the light of day, the face of any loved one, and was foreign to the simple sight of the clear blue sky. Jesus the Christ with His disciples company comes and not restores the blind man's sight, but give him something he has never had before the moment. What a blessed time, he who once was blind now can see. Family, friends, and even strangers could, would, and should rejoice in such a great miracle from the great Savior.

However, this was not the way things have been done before. The religious leaders of that day have to examine this action more closely. After all they know better than others how God wants things to be done. So the detectives had get busy and investigate all involved. After getting statements from all witnesses, the parents of the very suspect were also questioned. At this moment of true comes an opportunity to acknowledge a great event and grow in Christian character. Instead because of the scale of change involved in this scene, the cost of loss of synagogue privilege was too high, even the parent dis their own son.

There are times when individuals, churches, and even denominations will be faced with issues and circumstances that require a fresh look from the bible. Whether it is divorce, remarriage, women wearing pants, bible versions, and worship music, each generation must face it. If the bible speaks to it then follow it. But if the bible does not speak to it, or is different from the established standards then change will have to be made at sometime. But this will ruffle the feathers of the established and comfortable. They will not just sit back and let it happen without a territorial fight. For them it could be just a matter of bible ignorance, or laziness. Or the bible may not be at issue but their power and comfort.

Pastor Rick Oliver, of Portage Avenue Baptist Church, has said God will require change and growth in our lives no matter where it leads, we should follow. What has God made you face that may upset the norm? Our church for a long time had to tip toe around predestination because we were afraid that it discourage evangelism. Like God did not know that.

So, do you really want to grow in Christ? There are family members, fellow church members, co-workers, and even strangers counting on you to grow for God's glory, and their sake. But it will probably cost you!


Anonymous said...

What version is the ESV?

Anonymous said...

It's an abbreviation for the English Standard Version. Is that what you mean?

Anonymous said...

yup, that is what i meant! why woudn't you use the KJV, I always thought that was the closest thing to the original Bible?

Anonymous said...

You need to study a little deeper into the issues about translations. First of all, we don't have the "original Bible." When the KJV was published about 400 years ago the translators at that time did not have very many manuscripts to work from in their translations. Since that time we now have an explosion of ancient manuscripts that get us closer and closer to the originals. So scholars today have more to work with in trying to understand and translate the Scriptures. Secondly, the English language has changed dramatically in 400 years. You should read the preface to the KJV if you have not and see the thoughts from the KJV translators themselves about future translations. They believed that future translations would be coming and were necessary. Translations like the ESV are able to use the wealth of material of ancient manuscripts available today and the language we speak today to provide us with a more accurate and more common language translation. That's what the KJV translators were doing in their day.

Anonymous said...

Why did you always think that the KJV was the closest thing to the original Bible?

Bob Blair said...

Reviewing some of my previous postings like "An Answer". These may be helpful for your further study.