Monday, October 18, 2004

Not My Will?

When I got saved in 1979, I was told for the first time that every person will have to face and answer three important questions: 1)What is you vocation? 2)Who are you going to marry? 3)Where are you going to spend eternity?

Interestingly enough I found that one could answer any combination of these questions in different ways. The difference between the right and wrong answer is determined by what I want or what does God want.

The I wanters choose a vocation based on mostly selfish, selfpromoting motives. How much money does it make? How prestigious is it? How much power and influence does it have? Can I get the things I want? Even if all these motives are met and accomplished many have found these very empty and unfulfilling. Many turn to alcohol, have affairs, or go through "midlife crises".

On the other hand, the God pleasers use traits like patience, faith, humilty, and meekness to seek out what God has in mind for them. How has God equipted me? What does God want me to do with it? Who does God want me serve? When these are accomplished one will face trial, persecution, and maybe not alot of material gain, but definately needs met. The best of all is a guilty free conscience, and a "Well done thou good and faithful servant." By the way also a treasure of changed lives of those influence for Christ.
Next: Who are you going to marry?
Bob Blair

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