Colossians 1:11 May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, (ESV)
It is hard to believe that a hard working responsible person could be sinning in his hard work. Most employers will probably tell you that finding a person who will show up on time, follow orders, be a self-starter and finish the task in a timely manner, would be an employee of great rarity. This certainly should be the goal of every Christian worker's reputation. No Child of Jesus should ever be guilty of be late, rebellious, lazy or unreliable.
However, there are a couple of snares that this hard working responsible person could face.
1) A desire to seek to approval of those in authority personal gratification. The need to be honored and praised by others in order to feel worthy. Sometimes I call this "for the love of attention is the root of all evil". Seeking the approval of people usually leads to disappointment, discouragement, and even bitterness. The end result most commonly is feelings of lack of appreciation which leads to discontentment in the workplace, or constant job hopping. No hope in Christ with little or no joy in life.
2) A self-sufficiency that deceives the Christian into thinking God is blessing his total human effort. This person confuses busyness with godliness. Very little time is spent in prayer, bible reading, church attendance, or any other recognition of God. The end result is usually frequent burnout, exhaustion, sleeplessness, and worst of all a sense of self-righteousness.
In both cases above the common thread is an empty, unfulfilled, and unrewarding life. Isn't it a shame that there is an all powerful God who begs His creation to not only be reconciled to Him, but also to be energized by Him? What would be better than being more pleasing to God by His enabling us to be more like Jesus. More loving and patient with co-workers, family and friends. Better at worship, praise, and adoration towards God. What a fruit basket, what a life!
What the hard working responsible person needs to do is start every day remind himself of his need for Gods power. He remembers that report, that flipped burger, that meeting, that delivery, whatever he does needs to be in subjection to God's power and strength. He understands his joy, and peace depends on yielding to God to give it. Are you that person?
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