Thursday, October 18, 2007

Worship Through Distraction

1 Corinthians 1:12 Some of you are saying, “I am a follower of Paul.” Others are saying, “I follow Apollos,” or “I follow Peter,” or “I follow only Christ.”

"Pastor, I want to speak to you about the music in the worship service..." That's a statement said to pastors all over. Some want contemporary (rocky music), some want traditional (organ, piano music). Some want the KJV only some want the NIV. As many varieties of style as people in the congregation.

However, one thing no matter what age, what style, what taste, that is in exclusively in common is exclusion. It seems that if a church service can not be in the style that I like, then I am too distracted by that "worldly" or "old-fashion" style to worship God. One side it so entrenched in keep the past at the expense being relevant to their mission field. The other side is so focused on changing the status quo they don't care who they offend.

Missing from the situation is love and concern for the other. Also, what is missing is any consideration for the possibility that worship does not have to always be "my way". What about you the reader, do you have to have it your way? What happens to your worship when something enters the service that you disagree? Over the next couple of blogs I would like to challenge your thinking and your ability to worship without being so easily swede from focusing on God. If someone can get you is the wrong spirit, how well are you worshiping?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is funny that you type this, I have visited your church many years ago and it was very traditional in music, preaching style ( KJV) as well as congregation and suprisingly the church was actually growing and seemed to be thriving. I moved back to the area about a year ago and I ventured to visit your church, quite the change. Not only has the congregation decreased tremendously, but also I have noticed the preaching styles has changed ( NIV), the music has changed and the dress of the congregation, seems to have laxed.
I find it difficult to believe that a church so well grounded in tradition is so easily swayed by what is popular now.