Saturday, April 04, 2009

Real Men Don't Use Manuals?

2Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.

An employee was asked by his boss to change a taillight on one of the trucks in the company fleet. This employee has changed taillights before, even on large vans. However, he had a question about the placement of the lights. So he searched the user manual of that truck. His boss found out and chewed out the employee for not knowing how to do the task ahead of time.

When I heard the above event I was reminded of a series of radio spots on sports radio about a year or two back. The add campaign was a highlighting of what were called manlaws. Now I found this to be humorous to listen to at the time. The one that stuck out in my mind was real men don't ask for direction nor use user manuals. All humor aside this was a message that real men are self sufficient. To ask such help is a sign of weakness and lacking in true manhood.

How sad this philosophy is when applied to the trials and troubles of life. It is a cruel and frightful thing if we are to fend for ourselves in our pitiful earthly knowledge against the tumult that we face from within and without. That's why the bible, God's Word is not only essential, but is also relevant and sufficient to all the events of life. If we face money troubles, God has the answer. If we face parent child conflict the bible is the only true source to depend on. If we have sinful habit the bible gives counsel for that.

I am so glad that God does not leave defenseless. But we may handicap ourselves by ignorance, rebellion, laziness, or pride.

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