Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hey Did You Notice?

Matthew 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. (ESV)

The Royal family of Great Britain never seems to be lack for attention or controversy. As of the writing of this post it has been one week since Princess Anne made headline news around the world by exactly what you see the picture to the left. As hard to believe as it sounds someone(s) in the British media noticed the that the "frugal" princess seemed to be wearing the exact same outfit to a family wedding last week that she wore to the Prince Charles and Lady Di wedding 27 years ago. As you can see to the right, the picture from the 1981 wedding showing her with, as reported, the exact same outfit.

I suppose it is naive of me to be surprised by this remembrance.

But I guess I am disappointed in my lack of faith in God Himself noticing what goes on in our lives. King David wrote "what is man that you are mindful of him..." Why should I not be more impressed that that the Mighty, Sovereign, Loving God should be noticing me. It should make us more joyous, alert, and fearful that God is able to do this. So while people spend their precious time finding out the latest on Brittany, Paris, Tom, and Katie, God still waits for us to notice Him.

Now isn't that a crazy thought. God notices more about our lives than we notice Him. What have you noticed lately?

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