Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What Does Your Vocation Look Like?

Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly…

Anyone who gets saved and takes the decision seriously, will soon find out that change will be dominate feature and benefit that they will face. The Apostle Paul phrased “…old things pass away, behold all things become new.”

When I got save I noticed the first change in lifestyle was in outward action of language, habit, and appearance. I stopped swearing, the weekend partying, and shoulder length hair to just above the ears. These changes got a lot of praise from others, but was in of itself superficial. After I exhausted the outward, it became obvious that issues of the heart were unaddressed.

The blessed man of Psalm 1 faces and takes on major issues of the heart that really will lead to lasting change. First the Christian will need to learn to be wise about what sources of counsel are biblical or unbiblical. There are a lot of decisions that one needs to make, but not all will seem spiritual. What church, what service to do in the church, how much to give to the church. But what about what vocation, how to spend money, who to marry, what school, how to rear children. The world has it’s philosophy that answer these questions. The Bible in most if not all cases will have different answers. The big difference is the Bible ones will please God.

But now I want to shift gears. I want to seek out people and sources that are Godly, but, am I a Godly source for Christians to come to me? You might say to me “Well Bob you are an assistant pastor and a man with theology degrees, of course you want and should be a Godly source.” That is true but not the whole picture.

What I mean, is not just as an assistant pastor, but as a sales associate for a major electronics retailer. When people come in to our store most need our advice on how to hook up that stereo, wire for a new phone line, get the blinking 12 off their vcr. Again you ask how does being or not being a Christian matter in your store? Let me ask you, if Jesus was a sales associate at my store, would He do things the same or different?

When I have a plumbing problem at my house (I know more about nuclear science than plumbing) I would rather I were dealing a plumber who genuinely wanted to be Christlike (including the taking plumbing seriously). Jesus would not cheat me, do a lousy job, or overcharge.
No matter what you vocation someone depends on your advice. Are you a trustworthy Godly source. Would others be blessed because they came to you. Not only pastors, lawyers, and doctors, but waitress, gardener, or factory worker your can be Godly counselor.

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