Psalm 150 (KJV)
1Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
2Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
3Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
4Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
5Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
6Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
Let me first preface this blog entry by saying I love traditional hymns and songs. My absolute favorite song is the 3rd verse of It is Well. I come from a blessed background of traditional music since I got saved 1979. I will always want to attend a church that will sing these songs.
However, after much research, (biblical, and historical) prayer, and asking alot of questions, I must admit that some "convictions" I have held may actually have been personal preferences. I use to believe that persons spirituality could be measured by the adherence to standards. A Christian woman was in disobedience if she wore slack, pants, or jeans. Men who did not wear a tie and even a suit to church on Sunday must be lazy spiritually. There are others but I would be straying from my point.
One of the biblical sources that had a big influence on me was Psalm 150. I believe that if the psalmist were alive today writing music, he would not be well received in traditional music churches. He write about praising God with stringed instruments and organs. No problem to the traditionalist. But he writes of psaltery (guitar), harp. Then not only cymbals (percussion, drums), but loud ones. He even writes about dancing. None of these acceptable to the traditionalists.
Finally, in the course of my study I have come to at least eight thoughts that I may expand on in future blog entries
1. All music ever made was contemporary at one time.
a. Most traditional of today was contemporary in the 17th through 19th centuries
b. “The church” has rarely ever receive most contemporary music in it’s own generation.
2. Every generation has songwriters than want to use their gift of music for their generation not the previous ones.
3. The piano and organ were at one time considered to be worldly wicked instruments.
4. The drum is arguably the most controversial instrument today.
5. Much of the traditional music, and its standards did not exist before the 17th century.
6. This issue is more about taste and feeling than biblical.
7. To “switch” to contemporary music does not make you more spiritual in of itself.
8. In the journey of Progressive Sanctification (becoming more Christ-like) it will require courage to change and grow biblically, no matter where God leads us.