Psalm 137:1-4 By the waters of Babylon, there we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion. On the willows there we hung up our lyres. For there our captors required of us songs, and our tormentors, mirth, saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!" How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a foreign land? (ESV)
Some in Israel's past have had to face the indignity capture from their home to a strange, hostile place. Such was the experience of the psalmist. Gone from the comforts and familiarity of family and friends, these captives had to face a whole different world of harsh labor, ridicule, and many other kinds of physical and mental abuse. As to be expected fear, discouragement, hopelessness, and even malice were most likely the majority of responses by the Israeli prisoners.
Surprisingly, there was a request (or demand) made by the captors. They made the strange order, based on their knowledge of the Jews, that they sing. To make the request stranger was the style of music for the choice. Not only were they asked to sing, but to sing "religious" songs. Not only "religious" songs, but songs of joy, hope, and glory. You may be different than me in being somewhat surprised by this, but I say WOW. It almost seemed like the captors were not being sarcastic, but genuinely interested and maybe even attracted somehow. Could it be that they liked the rhythm and style of the music? Or is it possible that the words were of great comfort. I suppose that could be possible, but I believe something more than that is at work. Could it be that the song itself was not the attraction alone? How about maybe the captors were amazed by the effect of the song on the singers themselves. Maybe they were aware of how pleasantly different the Jews were and that the songs were just an outward expression of the joy, and comfort for God that is on the inward Jew. What an impression this must have had on all who were around them.
How about you? Have you ever been at work, or school and somebody out of the blue asks you how come you seem so quiet, or even sad today? I am amazed how people that I work with will so quickly perceive some kind of sadness in me when all I may have been doing was being deep in thought. One thing I have noticed is sometimes they look disappointed that I was not my usual self (whatever that is).
There seems to be just something about the attraction of a joyous Christian. It would almost seem to be unfair that I have to be joyous and I am not allowed to be sad, if it were not a life or death issue in the hearts of our co-worker, student, and even family members. The very ones who may be critical, sarcastic, and maybe even hostile are the ones who not only need, but really do desire our joy more than we realize. I wish I could be one all the time. I am saddened when I have to knocked out of my selfish thoughts. I think the Apostle Paul put it best when he wrote "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13 ESV)
When was the last time you asked God for joy when others are not. The unbeliever is look to you whether you notice or not.