Ezra 7:10 For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments.
Judah had been in captivity for 70 years. The same God who put them into captivity was now allowing them to go back to land that they and their parents loved. The first task at hand was to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. Unfortunately, this task was not easy at any step. Enemies from without, laziness and neglect from within, would create a need for encouragement, and maybe even rebuke.
Enter Ezra, a priest ready for the job of motivating the people of God. But, who is going to motivate the motivater? Erza learned sometime in his life the source of motivation and growth does not come from inside himself. Human effort or motivation is short lived at best. The true motivation comrs from God himself.
I am sure that most of us would believe this. However, we may read our bibles, study bible reference material, and maybe even pray a little. What separated Ezra was taking time to prepare his heart and attitude before actually coming contact with God's Word. He realized that the source for strength was not from inside himself, but he did know that the inside needed to be prepared. Maybe confession of sin, overcoming of fear and/or anger, and always praise, worship, and thanksgiving.
At work when everyone else is down, we have to be up. When at home family members are discourage, we must be encouraging. When at church others are negative, we must be positive. When we need to read our bible, not to fulfill a time schedule but prepare our hearts to read in God pleasing manner.