Now we face the third and most important question of all. Where are we going to spend eternity. There is a saying that there may be waiting a sweet by and by but we live in the nasty now and now. Aren't we supposed to be working hard and doing the best we can? God seems so far away and we feel is the pressures of family, friends and career. Who has time to think about eternity? Besides it is just depressing anyway. Making money and getting ahead in life is more exciting than living by and for God and His Word.
Such thinking maybe popular and even feel good for a while, death and eternity are not faraway from any of us. Someone once said "... None of us are getting out of this alive." This question of where one will spend eternity is the easiest of the three to put off but the one with the most lasting result. You see to make no decision is to make a decision. If you are trying to impress God by your works, and/or love your neighbor as you love yourself sincerely, then you are sincerely making the wrong decision. If you are putting off the decision of having Jesus pay for your sins by His shed blood until a more convenient time or a deathbed experience you are gambling against impossible odds.
God wants you to have the vocation that He created you for, and the spouse to spend your life with. But most of all He wants you to spend eternity with Him. He know that You could work your way because of sin, so He sent His own Son Jesus to pay that price of sin. He wants you to settle this question most of all. Your vocation may not always satisfy you. Your spouse may die, or God forbid run out on you, but God's gift of Salvation will not disappoint ever.
Why not answer this last question today, don't put it off, it could be too late later.
Bob Blair